Honor work. Could somebody advise me right here that NE-1200GS-ear tires are finest applicable to lighter ground? I understand that the majority of those current has a weakness for Mitasky :-), however the earbuds really. roughly 90% from the ride comfortably the road, of which no much under half in two. My area trips are limited to gravel, trampled clay, gravel. Sometimes, however, unavoidable and blátivému part scares me how easily glides in top Bridgestone Bahýnka Trailwing even at walking speed. Or am I an asshole and wet soil may be "road enduro 'always a rubber mouth?
By mě zajímalo, jestli se tu nějakej englicky nehovořící cizinec pokouší skamarádit za pomoci Google Translate, nebo jsou dneska spamboti tak chytrý, že si chtěj povídat o pneumatikách?
I can see, that You are trying to get some advice. From my point of view I am not sure, if You are just crying, or really looking for something. Anyway, Your post look a bit fuzzy. If it is just joke, forgot my post, if not, please be more accurate with problem description.
I can see, that You are trying to get some advice. From my point of view I am not sure, if You are just crying, or really looking for something. Anyway, Your post look a bit fuzzy. If it is just joke, forgot my post, if not, please be more accurate with problem description.
it's a clear provocation
17 cm
BMW R1200GS LC od 2013, BMW F800 GS od 2008,
Aprilia SR 50 Factory, Praga ED 250, CFMOTO CFORCE 520 Gen2
Zaprvé nevím co to znamená a zadruhé mě to uráží Emile, ty se fakt nudíš
Lepší je být zbytečně vyzbrojen než beze zbraní bezmocný.
"Laskavým slovem a namířenou pistolí dosáhnete víc než jen laskavým slovem" www.elektrorv.cz
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Location of this IP address: Herndon in Virginia
Emil to nebyl
F800GS 2011 is history (76000Km)
CRF 1000 Rally Red 2016 is history (47000)
Yamaha Tenere 700 zatím 40 tis